Conference 2010

International Symposium on Public Human Resource Management
Oct. 14-16, 2010, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
Host University: Wuhan University

This symposium is jointly organized by the Department of Psychology Faculty of Philosophy of Wuhan University, Psychology and Behavior Science Department of Zhejiang University, China State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs Training Center, American International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR), Institute of Public Affairs of University of Washington, and College of Education of University of South Florida.

2010 International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing
April 9-11, 2010, Xiamen, China

Host University: Xiamen University

2010 International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing (IASP), the second in the series, will be held in Huaqiao University, Xiamen, Fujian, China on April 9-11, 2010. This conference will have well known scholars in the field deliver keynote addresses. Prof. Dr. Jose M. F. Moura, President of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University and Dr. Lin Xinggang, from Tishinghua University, Beijing China and many others will give keynote speeches. This conference is technical sponsored by IEEE-Hangzhou Chapter and universities from home and abroad. Accepted Academic papers will be published by IEEE Press with the cooperation of the American Scholars Press. The proceedings will be indexed by EI and ISTP database.