Conference 2020
1st International Forum of Teaching and Studies Symposium
Online Teaching & Learning: Challenges and Solutions
September 25-26, 2020, Atlanta, USA
Organizer & Co-organizers
- International Forum of Teaching and Studies (IFOTS Journal)
- American Scholars Press, USA
- School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
The IFOTS Symposium was conducted via Zoom and featured six sessions. All sessions are on the website for people to review. The partner universities in China organized online reviews and discussions. The American Scholars Press website:
Full PDFThe Ninth Northeast Asia International Symposium on Language, Literature and Translation
Oct. 17-18 2020, Dalian China
Organizer & Co-organizers
- Northeast Asia International Forum on Language, Literature and Translation, Shenyang, China
- American Scholars Press, USA
Full PDF